geolocation logo CloudFlare Workers Geolocation

Determine your real (physical) location based on your IP address, powered by CloudFlare Workers.

Your IP address:

Country: US
Region: Ohio
City: Columbus
Latitude/Longitude: 39.96250, -83.00610
Timezone: America/New_York
Airport: ORD

Raw Data
  "longitude": "-83.00610",
  "httpProtocol": "HTTP/2",
  "tlsCipher": "AEAD-AES256-GCM-SHA384",
  "continent": "NA",
  "asn": 16509,
  "clientAcceptEncoding": "gzip",
  "country": "US",
  "verifiedBotCategory": "",
  "tlsClientAuth": {
    "certIssuerDNLegacy": "",
    "certIssuerSKI": "",
    "certSubjectDNRFC2253": "",
    "certSubjectDNLegacy": "",
    "certFingerprintSHA256": "",
    "certNotBefore": "",
    "certSKI": "",
    "certSerial": "",
    "certIssuerDN": "",
    "certVerified": "NONE",
    "certNotAfter": "",
    "certSubjectDN": "",
    "certPresented": "0",
    "certRevoked": "0",
    "certIssuerSerial": "",
    "certIssuerDNRFC2253": "",
    "certFingerprintSHA1": ""
  "tlsClientHelloLength": "",
  "tlsVersion": "TLSv1.3",
  "city": "Columbus",
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "tlsClientExtensionsSha1": "",
  "region": "Ohio",
  "edgeRequestKeepAliveStatus": 1,
  "requestPriority": "weight=16;exclusive=0;group=0;group-weight=0",
  "latitude": "39.96250",
  "postalCode": "43215",
  "tlsClientRandom": "",
  "regionCode": "OH",
  "asOrganization": "",
  "metroCode": "535",
  "colo": "ORD",
  "pagesHostName": "",
  "botManagement": {
    "corporateProxy": false,
    "verifiedBot": false,
    "jsDetection": {
      "passed": false
    "staticResource": false,
    "detectionIds": {},
    "score": 99

How this works, including API details and source code! has more diagnostic tools. including a comparison of different geolocation APIs.